The best phone system for schools and universities
Schools, colleges and universities have their own ecosystem. They’re the beating heart of local communities, offering opportunities for millions of young people to develop every single day.
But – with so many stakeholders involved in running a school, they need a reliable, versatile phone system that will always perform, no matter how busy the lines get.
There are plenty of options out there – but we believe our Microsoft Teams phone system is a solution that delivers everything required for a school or university to keep running at a high pace with no downtime.
Recognise these problems?
You’ve got an angry parent on the phone who hasn’t been able to get hold of the teacher they wanted to talk to. Your meeting with the governors and stakeholders over Zoom or Teams has been restarted four times thanks to bad signal, wasting valuable time. Your internal, interdepartmental meeting has had to be cancelled as someone is working from home and can’t access the call.
Imagine if there was a world where parents knew they could call the school and get through. Or staff could host their virtual parents’ evenings without worrying about poor signal.
The good news is – there is.
Installing a new phone system
A phone system that’s modern and optimised for your organisation will work wonders for your productivity, efficiency and keep all your stakeholders happier.
Our Microsoft Teams phone system is easy to use, courtesy of Microsoft’s amazing user experience and can be installed within your chosen location(s) with ease. That means minimal disruption, and then a communication infrastructure that requires low levels of maintenance to achieve high levels of performance.
What’s so great about our phone systems?
Where do we start?!
You can easily communicate internally, externally and globally, all whilst being connected to your CRM system. You’ll know who is calling, your previous interactions and you can even benefit from advanced call tracking and logging. This is a must for those who have difficult or important conversations that need to be recorded.
Working over desktop, tablet and mobile, your staff can work within your systems whether they’re working on site, on the road or from home. All of their information will be in one place and easy to recall when required.
If you’re a user of Microsoft Teams as an organisation, you’ll be able to directly link files, contacts and emails within your phone system too. This is a truly integrated communications solution that goes the distance for your business.
Security is a big factor too. When dealing with information surrounding children, it’s important your phone systems can handle data with the utmost safety. With regular backups, you’ll also have your data saved externally in case something bad happens and you lose valuable information.
How we can help
Elementel has helped discover the best phone system for schools and universities all over the country. If you’re struggling with your current systems and want to provide a better experience for your students, parents and staff – you should probably talk to us.
You can reach out to one of our experts directly by calling, and they’ll explore your problem, understand your needs and provide a solution that will make a huge difference to the day-to-day.